Lil Pig Gets Caught Up

As you may well know, Lil Pig loves the garden. She can hardly get enough of it and asks me every morning if she can water the plants. I guess this morning she couldn't wait because she raced onto the balcony and grabbed the water can. She ran back into the house, but tripped over the ledge and promptly got her head stuck inside the watering can. She was screaming and squealing like none other, which only caused her to squeal and scream more since the can echos and it scared her. I kept trying to calm her down and get her out but I couldn't quite do it.

She's stuck alright.

Look at her tail. She was so upset.

Here's one from the other angle. After a while I realized that I wasn't going to be able to pull her out, so I had to call the fire department to see if the could help me. They were really nice to Lil Pig and after a few minutes they were able to pull her out. Lil Pig is just fine, perhaps her ego is a bit bruised, but other than that she is great. She's a real trooper, though, and the firemen really took a liking to her.

Here's a picture of her after they got her out. I think Lil Pig has learned her lesson, though. Next time I think she'll wait for me to help her water the garden and not let her excitement get the better of her.

How's the garden, you ask?

We have extremely happy and exciting news to share with you about the garden. Lil Pig took the pictures below of our little piece of earth that is growing and growing and growing! We can't hardly wait to taste the cherry tomatoes, big beef tomatoes, strawberries, squash, and zucchini! Just look at how fast everything is growing!

This is the first flower on our strawberry plants. Lil Pig wanted to pick it, but I told her she wasn't allowed because it was needed in order to grow the strawberries.

Here is another shot. If you look closely you can see another flower starting to grow in the background. You may have to click on the pictures for a closer view.

This is the flower starting to grow on our squash, and I didn't even see it at first, Lil Pig did. She's so good at spotting them! We were all afraid that the squash wouldn't make it, but it's a fighter and looks like it's going to make it after all!

Here is another shot of the flower from the squash. There are more underneath, but no one could get to them...not even Lil Pig yet.

This is from our strawberry plant. It is growing new leaves!

And look what else Lil Pig found! A small strawberry!! Lil Pig squealed with delight once she saw this and it really did take all of our coaxing to get her to leave it alone. We told her it wasn't ready yet. She checks on it every hour practically. She's afraid the birds will eat it since it's so bright red against all the browns and greens.

This is one of the tomato plants in our Ace Planter. This one has really shot up. It's supposed to hang down, but we think it will do that once the fruit starts to grow.

Another shot of the flower on the squash from a different angle.

Here are some of the tomato plants in the Topsy Turvy Tomato Tree stand. Lil Pig thinks they are going to grow to be the size of real trees and she's worried about how they are going to fit on the balcony. I keep telling her that we'll have to wait and see how big they grow before we decide we need to move. She's so sweet.

Another tomato plant. We are going to have lots of tomatoes I think.

This is a cherry tomato plant that has just flourished since we planted it.

After we watered the garden and took pictures, Lil Pig and I went just inside the sliding glass door and sat down to look at the garden. We left the sliding glass door open, but closed the screen so we could get a nice breeze but not get the bugs or dirt inside. After about twenty minutes Lil Pig asked me if I thought any bees would come by to get the nectar from our strawberry flower. Before I could answer, a huge wasp flies right up to the screen door...only it wasn't outside. It was inside the house with us!! We both ran away while the wasp crawled on the screen door trying to find a way out. I managed to slowly open the screen door and close the sliding glass door so it could find its way out. Lil Pig raced for the camera. She thought it would be an excellent opportunity for a photo.

Here is a picture of the wasp in between the sliding glass door and the screen. It took him a while to find his way out, but eventually he did.

Here is a close-up. Lil Pig was more brave than I was. Even though the door was closed, I was still nervous about letting her get so close to it. Once it crawled out of the screen door, it slowly flew away and Lil Pig waved goodbye to it as it left. I guess we don't have to worry about bees coming for the flower now!

Lil Pig's Point of View

Lil Pig has been watching my husband and I take pictures of all the things she does. So one day she asked me if she could have a camera and take some pictures of things from her point of view. She's really growing up. I searched around and found an extra camera we had hidden away and gave it to her to play with. Here are some of the things she took pictures of. You should click on the pictures to get a better look at them because they are fun.

I found a ladybug in the house the other day and made my husband take it out. (I'm not especially fond of them, really.) He took it out and put it on the strawberry plants and Lil Pig decided to go out and take pictures of it.

She's so tiny, so it was really easy for her to get good shots. Not only that, but the ladybug stood perfectly still for a while. I think Lil Pig wasn't as big and menacing as people are so it didn't run or fly away quickly.

Even when the ladybug crawled underneath the leaf Lil Pig was not deterred. She just crawled under there with it.

She was excited to try different angles and get different shots. I think she's doing a fantastic job!

This one is a little blurry of the ladybug, but I really liked the way the edge of the leaf is so crisp. It's a good shot. I think I'll hang it on the wall.

Lil Pig likes this shot best. She giggles every time she sees it. I asked her why she thought this one was so funny and she said it was because the ladybug is pointing its butt up. She thought that was hilarious. Pigs! What are you going to do?

This one is pretty fun too. I like the dark and light in this shot.

I think I may have an amateur photographer on my hands, which is just fine because my husband and I really like to take pictures, and with her being so small she could get some really great shots. We'll see what other things she decides to take pictures of.

Lil Pig Has BIG News!

Lil Pig is a big sister!!! How exciting is that? We found out just a few days ago that Lil Pig now has a little sister and her name is Miranda. Here are some pictures of Miranda.

How can anyone resist those beautiful blue eyes?

Here is a side profile of all her fun buttons!

Here is the other side with more buttons.

Lil Pig was so happy about having a new little sister that she wanted to have her picture taken with Miranda. I had to improvise a bit since Miranda is with another family, but I think these pictures turned out quite nicely.

Sisters....sisters! There were never such devoted sisters.

Here's a cute picture that shows how similar, and yet how different they are. They both have the same smile, and one ear that droops a little, but Lil Pig has flowers and Miranda has buttons.

And look at their cute little tails. Lil Pig's isn't quite so curly anymore, but she is still so cute. We are so excited about her new little sister!

Of course, being the diva that she is, Lil Pig wanted to have her picture taken the same way that Miranda had hers, so we had a quick little photo shoot. Look at her cute little feet!

We had her tail curled for the shoot, and good thing too. It turned out so well.

And one more. Lil Pig cracks me up.

Well, that's all for now. We'll be posting more of Lil Pig's adventures in the days to come. Bye everyone!

Lil Pig Plants a Garden - Part Two

After we were done putting together the planters, it was time for us to actually plant the plants. Lil Pig was so excited. Here are some more pictures.

Lil Pig loved looking at all the plants we got, and she could hardly wait to plant them. She loved just looking at them.

Lil Pig said she felt like she was walking through a forest when she was next to the plants. She is so funny sometimes.

We planted the gray planter first (we got it from Ace Hardware). These are the strawberry plants. She is making sure all the plant food is mixed in with the soil.

Here is another view of the strawberry plants. You can see a little red dot with a premature strawberry on it. Lil Pig wanted to pluck it off and eat it but we told her it wasn't ready and wouldn't taste very good. It's a good thing she didn't eat it because the next day it was moldy!

This is when we had to put a little bit more potting soil on the top. She helped to scoop it in.

And here she is looking so happy with her strawberry plants.

We could also plant some stuff underneath, so we planted cherry tomatoes, big beef tomatoes, crookneck squash, and zuchinni. Lil Pig loved how the plants were upside down. She couldn't stop looking at them.

Just look at the entranced look on her face! She's so content!

Next we planted the seedlings in the Topsy Turvy planter. Lil Pig helped scoop the potting soil in here too.

Here is a better shot of what the planter looked like once it was finished. Lil Pig was happy to see all the plants sticking out of the sides. She is going to help us water them each day, and we'll be sure to take pictures of the process. Hopefully we will have a lot of good fruits and vegetables to share once they are all grown.

Lil Pig Plants a Garden - Part One

Our house sure has been busy this past week. We decided to plant a garden using some pretty cool tools that would make it possible for us to grow delicious fruits and vegetables in our small space. So, we got all the materials we needed, and began to put it all together. Of course Lil Pig was right there to help. She definitely did not want to be left out of this.

Here she is helping us put together the first planter. This is for the Topsy Turvy Tomato Planter.

Look at how strong she is!

All done! Lil Pig is on the top. This picture reminds me a bit of the movie King Kong. I was waiting for the planes to start flying by Lil Pig's head!

After it was all put together, my husband and I went and got the other planter ready. When we realized it was a little too quiet, we looked around for Lil Pig. Can you see her?

Yep! There she is poking her head through the planter hole pretending to be a seedling. She's so silly!

We didn't get many pictures of her helping us put the second planter together since my husband did most of it. But rest assured Lil Pig found a way to jump in.

Here she is hanging from the bottom, pretending to be another seedling again. We just had to laugh about it. She has this way of making even the most mundane projects seem interesting and fun. Read up on Part Two where she gets to help plant the garden!